
have plan to forget everything i've been through yesterday, until i'm scrolling my timeline and a video about mother and her daughter pops out of nowhere. then here it goes, my sorrow turns into tears again. i envied people in that video. by all means my mom raised me right. nevertheless, i never have strong bond with her. i can't ever clearly talk what i feel to her. she can't get close to my friend. she never said she loves me. she never even gave me hug. but despite of everything, i know she loves me with her own way. and once again, i said my mom raised me right.

yesterday i did something bad and mom got angry. and for the first time she said, "having you as my child is worth nothing to me." then boom! my heart fell into pieces. i mean, deep inside her heart i know she wasn't lucky to have me in her life. she also often shouted something bad when she got angry. but that was the very first time i heard that words out of her lip. and it felt so hurt like tons of daggers pierce to my lungs. that time i think i stopped breathing for a while. someone said home is the place where you can find peace and serenity. so where should i go if i can't find that feeling in my own home? how should i do when 'home' is only a strange place with cold-hearted people inside it?

ma, you can't imagine how blessed i am for having a mother like you. i love you so much even though i never said it. i'm sorry i didn't grow up according to your plan. but you know i'll try to be your pride. so one day when you look at me, you'll wear your smiling face and say, "i'm a proud mom". please don't say something hurts like that anymore. please. just don't.

Senin, 18 September 2017 di 9/18/2017 09:23:00 PM , 0 Comments


Sabtu, 04 Juni 2016 di 6/04/2016 09:08:00 PM , 0 Comments

Tiba-tiba Keinget Friendster..

Gue cukup notice dengan perkembangan sosial media. Akun yang gue punya lumayan lengkap. Beberapa ada yang dibikin karena ikut-ikutan doang dan ujung-ujungnya jarang dibuka, beberapa emang beneran suka dan masih rutin dipake. Semua sosmed punya keunggulan masing-masing dan ngebantu banget buat tetap terhubung sama orang-orang yang jarang ditemui, walaupun belakangan fungsinya mulai berubah jadi tempat pamer :p

Tapi bukan itu yang mau gue bahas. Jauh sebelum orang-orang kenal Facebook, anak-anak yang udah kenal internet sebelum tahun 2009 pasti punya Friendster. Gue sendiri kenal Friendster sekitar tahun 2007. Waktu itu di deket rumah ada warnet baru yang kayaknya warnet pertama di daerah situ. Kakak gue yang saat itu SMA udah lebih dulu nyobain ke warnet. Dia pun cerita kalo di warnet itu komputernya beda sama yang di rumah karena... komputernya ada internet (ya menurut lo?). Karena kayaknya seru gue juga ikut penasaran. Pertama kali ke warnet, gue bengong di depan komputer nggak tau mesti ngapain. Akhirnya gue buka google dan ngetik apa aja. Woww gue takjub karena semua informasi bisa muncul cukup dengan diketik.

Lama-lama gue udah semakin pinter dan punya akun Friendster. Buat nambah temen, gue sering chat di mIRC dengan nickname yang bikin geli dan nggak lupa dimulai dengan 'asl plz?' :)) Dari situ biasanya dilanjutkan dengan saling add Friendster dan kirim-kiriman testimoni.

Yaaa gitulah kira-kira sampe akhirnya Facebook mulai booming banget sekitar tahun 2009 dan pengguna Friendster bermigrasi rame-rame ke Facebook. Segitu hype-nya Facebook sampe Friendster nggak pernah lagi di buka bahkan kayak dianggap nggak pernah ada.

Barusan gue keinget lagi sama Friendster dan berniat nyari akun gue lollypop@strobi.com (tacky enough?). Dan ternyataaa situs Friendster udah nggak ada lagi. Yasudahlah yaa, beberapa hal pernah ada cuma buat dikenang, mirip kamu dan man.. *sebagian teks hilang*

Jumat, 27 Mei 2016 di 5/27/2016 04:13:00 PM , 0 Comments

Bad Apple

Somedays are good days. Somedays are bad days. I've been through many bad days lately. Where's my good one?

Too much lying.
Too much drama.
Too much falseness.
How can I be ok if they were still around.
How can I pretend to be ok if the fact I'm not.

So fed up and sometimes I simply hate being me.

Kamis, 12 Mei 2016 di 5/12/2016 01:07:00 PM , 0 Comments

A 2016 1st Post

*tiup-tiupin debu yang nempel di blog*

Hey whassup? It's been so long since I last wrote a post. It's 2016 and my life runs just so so. Well, actually not quite good. I'm a bit busy doing my pre-final project recently. Yes, after struggling and bleeding (really?), final year is coming! Wooooo /wiping off sweat/

I keep thinking that I should write posts more often. But something always ruins my intention whenever I try. Perhaps I must write on new media and start it over, or the problem is just I'm a lazybones? I dunno. We'll see.. 

Rabu, 27 April 2016 di 4/27/2016 09:30:00 AM , 0 Comments